some champions are only can be one type , these champions are not good and choosing them is risky
but here we generally speaking about the champions
Champion types are like these
Role in game
there must be a one or two tanker in the game , to take the damage and do the harassing , also it need to have so much Hp , magic resist and armor to take the most damage .
TIPS : tanker must be always supported by the others to avoid being killed . to build up a tank it's very important to buy the TORN MAIL if you are facing so many physical damages
EXAMPLES : DR. Mundo , Shen , Rammus
Ap , nuck
Role in game
to apply the massive magic damage in a team fight , these hero are venerable and must be supported , some are mele and can figure out theme selves in a team fight like fizz but most of them die very fast , some of them have good ways to run away . they must not harass , they need mana or energy and ability power AP
TIPS : Nuck must maximize their Ap and use their abilities to kill the enemy champions , buying the staff will give them so much damage and they must have a plan to buy that 1600 item . they must buy their items very carfully and buying physical damage or Armour is a waste of gold in the game
EXAMPLES : Ahri , sion , fizz , morgana
AD , attack damage ranged
Role in game
"important rule" to , apply a great ranged damage physically to the enemy champions in distance , they need to farm so much ,
TIPS : they are very vulnerable and must be protected they must keep their distance from the enemy mele champions always , bad positioning will make a feeder , they must always be very careful and buying a life steal is the first thing they have to do
EXAMPLES : miss fortune , ashe , ezreal
AD carry
Role in game
most important rule to , they are the ones who destroy the torrents and protecting the teammates , they are mele agile heroes
TIPS : they have to play wisely and the have to keep an eye on themselves in team fights , best tip is when you enter a team fight just press "Y' and get a good camera on yourself , its hard but you are mele and must damage your nearest and also must not lose yourself , taking down torrents is the first thing you must do if you ply as a carry in any occasion
EXAMPLES : Darus , master yi , Tryn
Role in game
nowadays in ranked games this is the most important rule that must be one , its very simple to do the jungel and let your friends get more xp in game also you can gank , and avoid being ganked , a fail jungel early in the game will fuck you up really :)
TIPS : always ask your friends to watch over you if you are going for blue , you must avoid invasion , if you see one and ou are not trained before better run and go to the other part , the chance for untrained people and unmatched people to counter an invasion is zero , you need to have smite as one of your summoners skills for sure
EXAMPLES : Warwick , rummus , shaco
Role in game
boring but important, is to support other champions , buying wards and heal
TIPS : you must heal and let your fellow champion farm , you must always use some items to get your gold , you can also get some runes for that , a good support hero will bring moral for all players , you are the dady for every one
EXAMPLES : kayl , Sokara , Tarik
Role in game
not important : these hero are made to kill , some people think killing others will make the win but its false , taking down the torrents will win you a game , anyway these heroes are made to kill as fast as possible and run away , they are fast and sometimes vulnerable
TIPS : you need to go in the middle of a fight and try to kill the weackes , you may never aim a tanker nor a hero who can run away fast like shaco
EXAMPLES : katarina , Akali , twisted fate